Dear Family and Friends, we are happy to inform you that we are sponsoring, for the second year running
The Arthur Rank Hospice Charity Star Shine Walk 2021
As last year we are all taking part in teams at the home and encouraging Residents to take part too.
Although the Star Shine Walk is officially 22nd and 23rd May 2021 we, are taking part in our working days only between 21st and 30th May……..because we can and we do love a friendly competition ? And hey it’s all for a very good cause so we are all happy to take part.
We would really appreciate your help to raise funds for The Arthur Rank Hospice Charity, please go to
https://arhc.enthuse.com/pf/cambridgeshire-care-home to sponsor us with as little or as much as you can.
Keep checking our Facebook page “Cambridgeshire Care Home” and Website www.cambridgeshirecarehome.co.uk for updates and photos on how well our Teams and Residents are doing. And if you are signed up for the MYO Secure App you will receive updates and photos to share and react to from Residents.
Thanking everyone in advance for your help and generosity, let’s keep walking and doing great things for this worthy charity.